POST /api/registration_commands { "insecure": true, "jwt_expiration": 23, "smart_proxy_id": 982965231, "registration_command": { "insecure": true, "jwt_expiration": 23, "smart_proxy_id": 982965231 } } 200 { "registration_command": "curl -sS --insecure '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMzUxMzg2ODAsImlhdCI6MTYzNzkyMjEyMiwianRpIjoiMzkzNDlhOGZmY2M4M2Y0MGMwM2RlOTlhNjQyZjQzMmI2Y2U1NzcxNzg5ZTc0MGIzY2EwN2M2Yzg2NmUyYmY0ZiIsImV4cCI6MTYzODAwNDkyMiwic2NvcGUiOiJyZWdpc3RyYXRpb24jZ2xvYmFsIHJlZ2lzdHJhdGlvbiNob3N0In0.QezLSs4jEz4CWmJ160ozjLRwbYEqh3V0Rmmz78tVQSA' | bash" }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
registration_command optional , nil allowed |
registration_command[organization_id] optional , nil allowed |
ID of the Organization to register the host in Validations:
registration_command[location_id] optional , nil allowed |
ID of the Location to register the host in Validations:
registration_command[hostgroup_id] optional , nil allowed |
ID of the Host group to register the host in Validations:
registration_command[operatingsystem_id] optional , nil allowed |
ID of the Operating System to register the host in. Operating system must have a Validations:
registration_command[smart_proxy_id] optional , nil allowed |
ID of the Smart Proxy. This Proxy must have enabled both the ‘Templates’ and ‘Registration’ features Validations:
registration_command[setup_insights] optional , nil allowed |
Set ‘host_registration_insights’ parameter for the host. If it is set to true, insights client will be installed and registered on Red Hat family operating systems Validations:
registration_command[setup_remote_execution] optional , nil allowed |
Set ‘host_registration_remote_execution’ parameter for the host. If it is set to true, SSH keys will be installed on the host Validations:
registration_command[jwt_expiration] optional , nil allowed |
Expiration of the authorization token (in hours) Validations:
registration_command[insecure] optional , nil allowed |
Enable insecure argument for the initial curl Validations:
registration_command[packages] optional , nil allowed |
Packages to install on the host when registered. Can be set by Validations:
registration_command[update_packages] optional , nil allowed |
Update all packages on the host Validations:
registration_command[repo] optional , nil allowed |
Repository URL / details, for example for Debian OS family: ‘deb buster 1.0’, for Red Hat OS family: ‘’ Validations:
registration_command[repo_gpg_key_url] optional , nil allowed |
URL of the GPG key for the repository Validations: