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Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Scope by locations Validations:
organization_id optional |
Scope by organizations Validations:
search optional |
filter results Validations:
order optional |
Sort and order by a searchable field, e.g. '<field> DESC' Validations:
page optional |
Page number, starting at 1 Validations:
per_page optional |
Number of results per page to return, 'all' to return all results Validations:
include optional |
Array of extra information types to include Validations:
Field name | Type | Possible values |
architecture | string | |
host | string | |
id | integer | |
label | string | |
location | string | |
location_id | integer | |
medium | string | |
name | string | |
organization | string | |
organization_id | integer | |
os | string | |
os_description | string | |
os_id | integer | |
os_major | string | |
os_minor | string | |
os_title | string | |
params | string | |
template | string | |
title | string |
GET /api/hostgroups/928644289 200 { "subnet_id": null, "subnet_name": null, "operatingsystem_id": null, "operatingsystem_name": null, "domain_id": null, "domain_name": null, "compute_profile_id": null, "compute_profile_name": null, "ancestry": null, "parent_id": null, "parent_name": null, "ptable_id": null, "ptable_name": null, "medium_id": null, "medium_name": null, "pxe_loader": null, "subnet6_id": null, "subnet6_name": null, "compute_resource_id": null, "compute_resource_name": null, "architecture_id": null, "architecture_name": null, "realm_id": null, "realm_name": null, "created_at": "2022-03-29 08:36:23 UTC", "updated_at": "2022-03-29 08:36:23 UTC", "id": 928644289, "name": "hostgroup92", "title": "hostgroup92", "description": null, "puppet_proxy_id": null, "puppet_proxy_name": null, "puppet_ca_proxy_id": null, "puppet_ca_proxy_name": null, "puppet_proxy": null, "puppet_ca_proxy": null, "inherited_compute_profile_id": null, "inherited_domain_id": null, "inherited_puppet_proxy_id": null, "inherited_puppet_ca_proxy_id": null, "inherited_compute_resource_id": null, "inherited_operatingsystem_id": null, "inherited_architecture_id": null, "inherited_medium_id": null, "inherited_ptable_id": null, "inherited_subnet_id": null, "inherited_subnet6_id": null, "inherited_realm_id": null, "inherited_pxe_loader": null, "parameters": [ { "priority": 60, "created_at": "2022-03-29 08:36:23 UTC", "updated_at": "2022-03-29 08:36:23 UTC", "id": 767575300, "name": "foo", "parameter_type": "string", "value": "*****" } ], "template_combinations": [], "locations": [ { "id": 255093256, "name": "Location 1", "title": "Location 1", "description": null } ], "organizations": [ { "id": 447626438, "name": "Organization 1", "title": "Organization 1", "description": null } ] }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
show_hidden_parameters optional |
Display hidden parameter values Validations:
POST /api/hostgroups { "hostgroup": { "name": "TestHostgroup", "architecture_id": 501905019, "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828 } } 201 { "subnet_id": null, "subnet_name": null, "operatingsystem_id": 1073012828, "operatingsystem_name": "RHEL 6.1", "domain_id": null, "domain_name": null, "compute_profile_id": null, "compute_profile_name": null, "ancestry": null, "parent_id": null, "parent_name": null, "ptable_id": null, "ptable_name": null, "medium_id": null, "medium_name": null, "pxe_loader": "Grub2 UEFI", "subnet6_id": null, "subnet6_name": null, "compute_resource_id": null, "compute_resource_name": null, "architecture_id": 501905019, "architecture_name": "x86_64", "realm_id": null, "realm_name": null, "created_at": "2022-03-29 08:26:14 UTC", "updated_at": "2022-03-29 08:26:14 UTC", "id": 928644286, "name": "TestHostgroup", "title": "TestHostgroup", "description": null, "puppet_proxy_id": null, "puppet_proxy_name": null, "puppet_ca_proxy_id": null, "puppet_ca_proxy_name": null, "puppet_proxy": null, "puppet_ca_proxy": null, "inherited_compute_profile_id": null, "inherited_domain_id": null, "inherited_puppet_proxy_id": null, "inherited_puppet_ca_proxy_id": null, "inherited_compute_resource_id": null, "inherited_operatingsystem_id": null, "inherited_architecture_id": null, "inherited_medium_id": null, "inherited_ptable_id": null, "inherited_subnet_id": null, "inherited_subnet6_id": null, "inherited_realm_id": null, "inherited_pxe_loader": null, "parameters": [], "template_combinations": [], "locations": [], "organizations": [] }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
hostgroup required |
hostgroup[name] required |
Name of the host group Validations:
hostgroup[description] optional , nil allowed |
Host group description Validations:
hostgroup[parent_id] optional , nil allowed |
Parent ID of the host group Validations:
hostgroup[compute_profile_id] optional , nil allowed |
Compute profile ID Validations:
hostgroup[compute_resource_id] optional , nil allowed |
Compute resource ID Validations:
hostgroup[operatingsystem_id] optional , nil allowed |
Operating system ID Validations:
hostgroup[architecture_id] optional , nil allowed |
Architecture ID Validations:
hostgroup[pxe_loader] optional , nil allowed |
DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default) Validations:
hostgroup[medium_id] optional , nil allowed |
Media ID Validations:
hostgroup[ptable_id] optional , nil allowed |
Partition table ID Validations:
hostgroup[subnet_id] optional , nil allowed |
Subnet ID Validations:
hostgroup[subnet6_id] optional , nil allowed |
Subnet IPv6 ID Validations:
hostgroup[domain_id] optional , nil allowed |
Domain ID Validations:
hostgroup[realm_id] optional , nil allowed |
Realm ID Validations:
hostgroup[group_parameters_attributes] optional , nil allowed |
Array of parameters Validations:
hostgroup[group_parameters_attributes][name] required |
Name of the parameter Validations:
hostgroup[group_parameters_attributes][value] required |
Parameter value Validations:
hostgroup[group_parameters_attributes][parameter_type] optional , nil allowed |
Type of value Validations:
hostgroup[group_parameters_attributes][hidden_value] optional , nil allowed |
hostgroup[puppet_proxy_id] optional , nil allowed |
Puppet proxy ID Validations:
hostgroup[puppet_ca_proxy_id] optional , nil allowed |
Puppet CA proxy ID Validations:
hostgroup[root_pass] optional , nil allowed |
Root password on provisioned hosts Validations:
hostgroup[location_ids] optional , nil allowed |
REPLACE locations with given ids Validations:
hostgroup[organization_ids] optional , nil allowed |
REPLACE organizations with given ids. Validations:
PUT /api/hostgroups/636252244 { "hostgroup": { "name": "" } } 422 { "error": { "id": 636252244, "errors": { "name": [ "can't be blank" ] }, "full_messages": [ "Name can't be blank" ] } }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
hostgroup required |
hostgroup[name] optional |
Name of the host group Validations:
hostgroup[description] optional , nil allowed |
Host group description Validations:
hostgroup[parent_id] optional , nil allowed |
Parent ID of the host group Validations:
hostgroup[compute_profile_id] optional , nil allowed |
Compute profile ID Validations:
hostgroup[compute_resource_id] optional , nil allowed |
Compute resource ID Validations:
hostgroup[operatingsystem_id] optional , nil allowed |
Operating system ID Validations:
hostgroup[architecture_id] optional , nil allowed |
Architecture ID Validations:
hostgroup[pxe_loader] optional , nil allowed |
DHCP filename option (Grub2/PXELinux by default) Validations:
hostgroup[medium_id] optional , nil allowed |
Media ID Validations:
hostgroup[ptable_id] optional , nil allowed |
Partition table ID Validations:
hostgroup[subnet_id] optional , nil allowed |
Subnet ID Validations:
hostgroup[subnet6_id] optional , nil allowed |
Subnet IPv6 ID Validations:
hostgroup[domain_id] optional , nil allowed |
Domain ID Validations:
hostgroup[realm_id] optional , nil allowed |
Realm ID Validations:
hostgroup[group_parameters_attributes] optional , nil allowed |
Array of parameters Validations:
hostgroup[group_parameters_attributes][name] optional |
Name of the parameter Validations:
hostgroup[group_parameters_attributes][value] optional |
Parameter value Validations:
hostgroup[group_parameters_attributes][parameter_type] optional , nil allowed |
Type of value Validations:
hostgroup[group_parameters_attributes][hidden_value] optional , nil allowed |
hostgroup[puppet_proxy_id] optional , nil allowed |
Puppet proxy ID Validations:
hostgroup[puppet_ca_proxy_id] optional , nil allowed |
Puppet CA proxy ID Validations:
hostgroup[root_pass] optional , nil allowed |
Root password on provisioned hosts Validations:
hostgroup[location_ids] optional , nil allowed |
REPLACE locations with given ids Validations:
hostgroup[organization_ids] optional , nil allowed |
REPLACE organizations with given ids. Validations:
DELETE /api/hostgroups/866317115-Unusual { "hostgroup": {} } 200 { "id": 866317115, "name": "Unusual", "created_at": "2022-03-29T08:44:40.556Z", "updated_at": "2022-03-29T08:44:40.556Z", "operatingsystem_id": null, "architecture_id": null, "medium_id": null, "ptable_id": null, "root_pass": null, "puppet_ca_proxy_id": null, "use_image": null, "image_file": "", "ancestry": null, "vm_defaults": null, "subnet_id": null, "domain_id": null, "puppet_proxy_id": 182953976, "title": "Unusual", "realm_id": null, "compute_profile_id": null, "grub_pass": "", "lookup_value_matcher": "hostgroup=Unusual", "subnet6_id": null, "pxe_loader": null, "description": null, "compute_resource_id": null }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
POST /api/hostgroups/636252244/clone { "name": "bJIFhqvjnd", "hostgroup": { "name": "bJIFhqvjnd" } } 201 { "id": 928644286, "name": "bJIFhqvjnd", "created_at": "2022-03-29T08:44:42.748Z", "updated_at": "2022-03-29T08:44:42.748Z", "operatingsystem_id": 309172073, "architecture_id": 501905019, "medium_id": 980190962, "ptable_id": null, "root_pass": "$1$foreman$NW1XVtbk4/XkJqmKNrFWV0", "puppet_ca_proxy_id": 182953976, "use_image": null, "image_file": "", "ancestry": null, "vm_defaults": null, "subnet_id": null, "domain_id": 22495316, "puppet_proxy_id": 182953976, "title": "bJIFhqvjnd", "realm_id": null, "compute_profile_id": 980190962, "grub_pass": null, "lookup_value_matcher": "hostgroup=bJIFhqvjnd", "subnet6_id": null, "pxe_loader": null, "description": null, "compute_resource_id": null }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
name required |
POST /api/hostgroups/928644288-hostgroup103/rebuild_config { "hostgroup": {} } 422 { "error": { "message": "Configuration rebuild failed for:" } }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
only optional |
Limit rebuild steps, valid steps are DHCP, DNS, TFTP Validations:
children_hosts optional |
Operate on child hostgroup hosts Validations: