GET /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/configs 200 { "total": 3, "subtotal": 3, "page": 1, "per_page": 20, "search": null, "sort": { "by": null, "order": null }, "results": [ { "name": "my vmware", "interval": 120, "organization_id": 447626467, "whitelist": "a,b", "blacklist": null, "hypervisor_id": "hostname", "hypervisor_type": "esx", "hypervisor_server": "", "hypervisor_username": "root", "debug": false, "satellite_url": "", "no_proxy": null, "status": "unknown", "last_report_at": null, "out_of_date_at": null, "filter_host_parents": null, "exclude_host_parents": null, "kubeconfig_path": null, "prism_flavor": null, "ahv_internal_debug": null, "filtering_mode": 1, "id": 27, "http_proxy": { "id": 1022235412, "name": "test", "url": "" }, "proxy": "" }, { "name": "config 27", "interval": 120, "organization_id": 447626468, "whitelist": null, "blacklist": null, "hypervisor_id": "hostname", "hypervisor_type": "esx", "hypervisor_server": "", "hypervisor_username": "root", "debug": false, "satellite_url": "", "no_proxy": null, "status": "out_of_date", "last_report_at": "2024-05-23 17:43:53 UTC", "out_of_date_at": "2024-05-23 19:43:53 UTC", "filter_host_parents": null, "exclude_host_parents": null, "kubeconfig_path": null, "prism_flavor": null, "ahv_internal_debug": null, "filtering_mode": 0, "id": 28, "http_proxy": null }, { "name": "config 28", "interval": 120, "organization_id": 447626469, "whitelist": null, "blacklist": null, "hypervisor_id": "hostname", "hypervisor_type": "esx", "hypervisor_server": "", "hypervisor_username": "root", "debug": false, "satellite_url": "", "no_proxy": null, "status": "ok", "last_report_at": "2024-05-23 19:43:53 UTC", "out_of_date_at": "2024-05-23 21:43:53 UTC", "filter_host_parents": null, "exclude_host_parents": null, "kubeconfig_path": null, "prism_flavor": null, "ahv_internal_debug": null, "filtering_mode": 0, "id": 29, "http_proxy": null } ] }
Param name | Description |
optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
optional |
filter results Validations:
optional |
Sort and order by a searchable field, e.g. '<field> DESC' Validations:
optional |
Page number, starting at 1 Validations:
optional |
Number of results per page to return, 'all' to return all results Validations:
GET /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/configs/20 200 { "name": "config 22", "interval": 120, "organization_id": 447626459, "whitelist": null, "blacklist": null, "hypervisor_id": "hostname", "hypervisor_type": "esx", "hypervisor_server": "", "hypervisor_username": "root", "debug": false, "satellite_url": "", "no_proxy": null, "status": "ok", "last_report_at": "2024-05-23 19:43:52 UTC", "out_of_date_at": "2024-05-23 21:43:52 UTC", "filter_host_parents": null, "exclude_host_parents": null, "kubeconfig_path": null, "prism_flavor": null, "ahv_internal_debug": null, "filtering_mode": 0, "id": 20, "http_proxy": null }
Param name | Description |
optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
required |
GET /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/configs/31/ 200 #!/bin/bash heading() { echo -e "\n== $1 ==" } step() { step_count=5 heading "[$1/$step_count] $2" } version_lte() { [ "$1" = "`echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort -V | head -n1`" ] } version_lt() { [ "$1" = "$2" ] && return 1 || version_lte $1 $2 } verify_minimal_version() { minimal_version=0.24.2 installed_version=`rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}' virt-who` if version_lt $installed_version $minimal_version; then echo "virt-who $installed_version does not meet minimum requirements, please make sure this host is properly subscribed and has access to katello-host-tools repository, minimal virt-who version is $minimal_version" return 1 else return 0 fi } result_code=0 compose_install_command() { $1 packages unlock $1 advanced procedure run packages-install --packages virt-who --assumeyes || result_code=$(($result_code|32)) $1 packages lock } install_virt_who() { if `rpm -q satellite-maintain > /dev/null`; then compose_install_command satellite-maintain elif `rpm -q rubygem-foreman_maintain > /dev/null`; then compose_install_command foreman-maintain else yum install -y virt-who || result_code=$(($result_code|32)) fi } step 1 "Installing virt-who" install_virt_who if verify_minimal_version; then step 2 "Encrypting password" cr_password=$(virt-who-password --password $(echo Y2hhbmdlbWU=|base64 -d) 2> /dev/null) user_password=$(virt-who-password --password 'tsdd7U42PzGD63Ay' 2> /dev/null) step 3 "Creating virt-who configuration" cat > /etc/virt-who.d/virt-who-config-31.conf << EOF ### This configuration file is managed via the virt-who configure plugin ### manual edits will be deleted. [virt-who-config-31] type=esx hypervisor_id=hostname owner=org33 username=root encrypted_password=$cr_password rhsm_username=virt_who_reporter_31 rhsm_encrypted_password=$user_password rhsm_prefix=/rhsm EOF if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then result_code=$(($result_code|2)); fi step 4 "Creating sysconfig virt-who configuration" cat > /etc/virt-who.conf << EOF ### This configuration file is managed via the virt-who configure plugin ### manual edits will be deleted. [global] debug=0 interval=7200 oneshot=False [system_environment] EOF if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then result_code=$(($result_code|4)); fi step 5 "Enabling and restarting the virt-who service" systemctl enable virt-who || result_code=$(($result_code|8)) systemctl restart virt-who || result_code=$(($result_code|16)) else result_code=$(($result_code|1)) fi heading "Finished" if [ $result_code -ne 0 ]; then echo "There were some errors during configuration:" [ $(($result_code&0)) -ge 1 ] && echo 'Success' [ $(($result_code&1)) -ge 1 ] && echo 'Newer version of virt-who is required, minimum version is 0.24.2' [ $(($result_code&2)) -ge 1 ] && echo 'Unable to create virt-who config file' [ $(($result_code&4)) -ge 1 ] && echo 'Unable to create sysconfig file' [ $(($result_code&8)) -ge 1 ] && echo 'Unable to enable virt-who service using systemctl' [ $(($result_code&16)) -ge 1 ] && echo 'Unable to start virt-who service, please see virt-who logs for more details' [ $(($result_code&32)) -ge 1 ] && echo 'Unable to install virt-who package, make sure the host is properly subscribed and has access to katello-host-tools repository' else echo "Finished successfully" fi exit $result_code
Param name | Description |
optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
required |
POST /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/configs { "foreman_virt_who_configure_config": { "name": "my new config", "filtering_mode": 0, "hypervisor_id": "uuid", "hypervisor_type": "kubevirt", "satellite_url": "", "organization_id": 447626466 }, "config": {} } 422 { "error": { "id": null, "errors": { "kubeconfig_path": [ "can't be blank" ] }, "full_messages": [ "Kubeconfig path can't be blank" ] } }
Param name | Description |
optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
required |
required |
Configuration name Validations:
required |
Configuration interval in minutes Validations:
required |
Hypervisor filtering mode, 0 means no filtering, 1 means whitelist, 2 means blacklist Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Hypervisor whitelist, applicable only when filtering mode is set to 1. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Hypervisor blacklist, applicable only when filtering mode is set to 2. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Applicable only for esx provider type. Only hosts which parent (usually ComputeResource) name is specified in comma-separated list in this option will be reported. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Put the value into the double-quotes if it contains special characters like comma. All new line characters will be removed in resulting configuration file, white spaces are removed from beginning and end. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Applicable only for esx provider type. Hosts which parent (usually ComputeResource) name is specified in comma-separated list in this option will NOT be reported. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Put the value into the double-quotes if it contains special characters like comma. All new line characters will be removed in resulting configuration file, white spaces are removed from beginning and end. Validations:
required |
Specifies how the hypervisor will be identified. Validations:
required |
Hypervisor type Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Fully qualified host name or IP address of the hypervisor Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Account name by which virt-who is to connect to the hypervisor. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Hypervisor password, required for all hypervisor types except for libvirt/kubevirt. Validations:
required |
Foreman server FQDN Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Enable debugging output Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Configuration file containing details about how to connect to the cluster and authentication details. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
HTTP proxy that should be used for communication between the server on which virt-who is running and the hypervisors and virtualization managers. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Ignore proxy. A comma-separated list of hostnames or domains or ip addresses to ignore proxy settings for. Optionally this may be set to * to bypass proxy settings for all hostnames domains or ip addresses. Validations:
required |
Organization of the virt-who configuration Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Select the Prism flavor you are connecting to Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Option Enable debugging output is required to enable AHV internal debug. It provides extra AHV debug information when both options are enabled Validations:
PUT /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/configs/23 { "foreman_virt_who_configure_config": { "name": "updated", "interval": 240, "hypervisor_password": "new_pass" }, "config": {} } 200 { "name": "updated", "interval": 240, "organization_id": 447626462, "whitelist": null, "blacklist": null, "hypervisor_id": "hostname", "hypervisor_type": "esx", "hypervisor_server": "", "hypervisor_username": "root", "debug": false, "satellite_url": "", "no_proxy": null, "status": "ok", "last_report_at": "2024-05-23 19:43:52 UTC", "out_of_date_at": "2024-05-23 21:43:52 UTC", "filter_host_parents": null, "exclude_host_parents": null, "kubeconfig_path": null, "prism_flavor": null, "ahv_internal_debug": null, "filtering_mode": 0, "id": 23, "http_proxy": null }
Param name | Description |
optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
required |
Configuration numeric identifier Validations:
required |
optional |
Configuration name Validations:
optional |
Configuration interval in minutes Validations:
optional |
Hypervisor filtering mode, 0 means no filtering, 1 means whitelist, 2 means blacklist Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Hypervisor whitelist, applicable only when filtering mode is set to 1. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Hypervisor blacklist, applicable only when filtering mode is set to 2. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Applicable only for esx provider type. Only hosts which parent (usually ComputeResource) name is specified in comma-separated list in this option will be reported. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Put the value into the double-quotes if it contains special characters like comma. All new line characters will be removed in resulting configuration file, white spaces are removed from beginning and end. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Applicable only for esx provider type. Hosts which parent (usually ComputeResource) name is specified in comma-separated list in this option will NOT be reported. Wildcards and regular expressions are supported, multiple records must be separated by comma. Put the value into the double-quotes if it contains special characters like comma. All new line characters will be removed in resulting configuration file, white spaces are removed from beginning and end. Validations:
optional |
Specifies how the hypervisor will be identified. Validations:
optional |
Hypervisor type Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Fully qualified host name or IP address of the hypervisor Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Account name by which virt-who is to connect to the hypervisor. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Hypervisor password, required for all hypervisor types except for libvirt/kubevirt. Validations:
optional |
Foreman server FQDN Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Enable debugging output Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Configuration file containing details about how to connect to the cluster and authentication details. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
HTTP proxy that should be used for communication between the server on which virt-who is running and the hypervisors and virtualization managers. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Ignore proxy. A comma-separated list of hostnames or domains or ip addresses to ignore proxy settings for. Optionally this may be set to * to bypass proxy settings for all hostnames domains or ip addresses. Validations:
optional |
Organization of the virt-who configuration Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Select the Prism flavor you are connecting to Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Option Enable debugging output is required to enable AHV internal debug. It provides extra AHV debug information when both options are enabled Validations:
DELETE /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/configs/51 { "config": {} } 200 { "id": 51, "interval": 120, "hypervisor_id": "hostname", "listing_mode": 0, "whitelist": null, "blacklist": null, "compute_resource_id": null, "organization_id": 447626492, "service_user_id": 49, "created_at": "2024-05-23T19:44:56.587Z", "updated_at": "2024-05-23T19:44:56.650Z", "debug": false, "hypervisor_type": "esx", "hypervisor_server": "", "hypervisor_username": "root", "hypervisor_password": "changeme", "satellite_url": "", "no_proxy": null, "last_report_at": "2024-05-23T19:43:56.586Z", "out_of_date_at": "2024-05-23T21:43:56.586Z", "name": "config 42", "filter_host_parents": null, "exclude_host_parents": null, "kubeconfig_path": null, "http_proxy_id": null, "prism_flavor": null, "ahv_internal_debug": null }
Param name | Description |
optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
required |
Configuration numeric identifier Validations: