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Description for the content view Validations:
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required |
environment numeric identifier Validations:
PUT /katello/api/content_views/419082953/remove { "environment_ids": [ "292811013", "1028819239" ], "content_view": {} } 204
Param name | Description |
required |
content view numeric identifier Validations:
optional |
environment numeric identifiers to be removed Validations:
optional |
content view version identifiers to be deleted Validations:
optional |
content view to reassign orphaned systems to Validations:
optional |
environment to reassign orphaned systems to Validations:
optional |
content view to reassign orphaned activation keys to Validations:
optional |
environment to reassign orphaned activation keys to Validations:
optional |
delete the content view with all the versions and environments Validations:
PUT /katello/api/content_views/419082953/bulk_delete_versions { "key_content_view_id": 419082953, "key_environment_id": 562075838, "system_content_view_id": 419082953, "system_environment_id": 562075838, "bulk_content_view_version_ids": { "included": { "ids": [ 234564707 ] } }, "content_view": {} } 202 { "id": null, "label": null, "pending": null, "username": null, "started_at": null, "ended_at": null, "state": null, "result": null, "progress": null, "input": null, "output": {}, "humanized": null, "cli_example": null, "available_actions": { "cancellable": null, "resumable": null } }
Param name | Description |
required |
Versions to exclusively include in the action Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
Search string for versions to perform an action on Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
List of versions to perform an action on Validations:
required |
Versions to explicitly exclude in the action. All other versions will be included in the action, unless an included parameter is passed as well. Validations:
optional , nil allowed |
List of versions to exclude and not run an action on Validations:
required |
content view numeric identifier Validations:
optional |
content view to reassign orphaned systems to Validations:
optional |
environment to reassign orphaned systems to Validations:
optional |
content view to reassign orphaned activation keys to Validations:
optional |
environment to reassign orphaned activation keys to Validations:
PUT /katello/api/content_views/1058174985/remove_filters { "filter_ids": [ 703096922 ], "content_view": {} } 200 { "content_host_count": 0, "needs_publish": true, "composite": false, "component_ids": [], "duplicate_repositories_to_publish": [], "default": false, "version_count": 0, "latest_version": null, "latest_version_id": null, "auto_publish": false, "solve_dependencies": false, "import_only": false, "generated_for": "none", "related_cv_count": 0, "related_composite_cvs": [], "filtered": false, "repository_ids": [], "id": 1058174985, "name": "Cat", "label": "Cat", "description": null, "organization_id": 114267492, "organization": { "name": "Empty Organization", "label": "Empty_Organization", "id": 114267492 }, "created_at": "2024-05-23 20:12:57 UTC", "updated_at": "2024-05-23 20:12:57 UTC", "last_task": null, "latest_version_environments": [], "repositories": [], "versions": [], "components": [], "content_view_components": [], "activation_keys": [], "hosts": [], "next_version": "1.0", "last_published": null, "environments": [], "errors": null }
Param name | Description |
required |
content view numeric identifier Validations:
required |
filter identifiers Validations:
DELETE /katello/api/content_views/1058174982 { "content_view": {} } 202 { "id": "823fc03c-e0a0-4a48-a4bc-2b10dfa823de", "label": "Actions::Katello::ContentView::Destroy", "pending": false, "action": "Delete content view 'Cat'; organization 'Empty Organization'", "username": "secret_admin", "started_at": "2024-05-23 20:12:47 UTC", "ended_at": "2024-05-23 20:12:47 UTC", "state": "stopped", "result": "success", "progress": 1.0, "input": { "content_view": { "id": 1058174982, "name": "Cat", "label": "Cat" }, "organization": { "id": 114267492, "name": "Empty Organization", "label": "Empty_Organization" }, "services_checked": [ "pulp3" ], "remote_user": "admin", "remote_cp_user": "admin" }, "output": {}, "humanized": { "action": "Delete", "input": [ [ "content_view", { "text": "content view 'Cat'", "link": "/content_views/1058174982/versions" } ], [ "organization", { "text": "organization 'Empty Organization'", "link": "/organizations/114267492/edit" } ] ], "output": "", "errors": [] }, "cli_example": null, "start_at": "2024-05-23 20:12:47 UTC", "available_actions": { "cancellable": false, "resumable": false } }
Param name | Description |
required |
content view numeric identifier Validations:
POST /katello/api/content_views/419082953/copy { "name": "Test", "content_view": { "name": "Test" } } 204
Param name | Description |
required |
Content view numeric identifier Validations:
required |
New content view name Validations: