POST /katello/api/content_imports/library { "organization_id": 114267492, "path": "/tmp", "metadata": { "organization": "org name", "products": { "label": { "name": "product name", "label": "label" } }, "gpg_keys": { "foo": { "label": "lol" } }, "repositories": { "repo name": { "name": "root repo name", "label": "root_label", "product": { "label": "label" }, "redhat": true } }, "toc": "toc file name", "content_view": { "name": "cv name", "label": "cv label" }, "content_view_version": { "major": "4", "minor": "5" } }, "content_import": { "organization_id": 114267492, "path": "/tmp", "metadata": { "organization": "org name", "products": { "label": { "name": "product name", "label": "label" } }, "gpg_keys": { "foo": { "label": "lol" } }, "repositories": { "repo name": { "name": "root repo name", "label": "root_label", "product": { "label": "label" }, "redhat": true } }, "toc": "toc file name", "content_view": { "name": "cv name", "label": "cv label" }, "content_view_version": { "major": "4", "minor": "5" } } } } 204
Param name | Description |
organization_id required |
Organization identifier Validations:
path required |
Directory containing the exported Content View Version Validations:
metadata required |
Metadata taken from the upstream export history for this Content View Version Validations: