POST /katello/api/organizations/114267492/environments { "environment": { "name": "dev env", "label": "dev_env", "description": "This environment is for development.", "prior": 562075838 } } 201 { "library": false, "registry_name_pattern": null, "registry_unauthenticated_pull": false, "id": 1028819304, "name": "dev env", "label": "dev_env", "description": "This environment is for development.", "organization_id": 114267492, "organization": { "name": "Empty Organization", "label": "Empty_Organization", "id": 114267492 }, "created_at": "2022-11-08 19:28:00 UTC", "updated_at": "2022-11-08 19:28:00 UTC", "prior": { "name": "Library", "id": 562075838 }, "successor": null, "counts": { "content_hosts": 0, "content_views": 0 }, "permissions": { "create_lifecycle_environments": true, "view_lifecycle_environments": true, "edit_lifecycle_environments": true, "destroy_lifecycle_environments": true, "promote_or_remove_content_views_to_environments": true }, "content_views": [] }
Param name | Description |
organization_id required |
name of organization Validations:
name required |
name of the environment Validations:
label optional |
label of the environment Validations:
description optional |
description of the environment Validations:
registry_name_pattern optional |
pattern for container image names Validations:
registry_unauthenticated_pull optional |
allow unauthenticed pull of container images Validations:
prior_id required |
ID of an environment that is prior to the new environment in the chain. It has to be either the ID of Library or the ID of an environment at the end of a chain. Validations: