GET /api/templates/1007982320/foreign_input_sets 200 { "total": 1, "subtotal": 1, "page": 1, "per_page": 20, "search": null, "sort": { "by": null, "order": null }, "results": [ { "template_id": 1007982320, "target_template_name": "Job template 308", "include_all": true, "include": null, "exclude": null, "id": 17, "target_template_id": 1007982321 } ] }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
template_id required |
search optional |
filter results Validations:
order optional |
Sort and order by a searchable field, e.g. '<field> DESC' Validations:
page optional |
Page number, starting at 1 Validations:
per_page optional |
Number of results per page to return, 'all' to return all results Validations:
GET /api/templates/1007982317-Job%20template%20304/foreign_input_sets/16 200 { "template_id": 1007982317, "target_template_name": "Job template 305", "include_all": true, "include": null, "exclude": null, "id": 16, "target_template_id": 1007982318 }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
template_id required |
id required |
POST /api/templates/1007982311-Job%20template%20298/foreign_input_sets { "foreign_input_set": {} } 422 { "error": { "id": null, "errors": { "target_template": [ "can't be blank" ] }, "full_messages": [ "Target template can't be blank" ] } }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
template_id required |
foreign_input_set required |
foreign_input_set[target_template_id] required |
Target template ID Validations:
foreign_input_set[include_all] optional , nil allowed |
Include all inputs from the foreign template Validations:
foreign_input_set[include] optional , nil allowed |
A comma separated list of input names to be included from the foreign template. Validations:
foreign_input_set[exclude] optional , nil allowed |
A comma separated list of input names to be included from the foreign template. Validations:
foreign_input_set[description] optional , nil allowed |
Input set description Validations:
DELETE /api/templates/1007982326-Job%20template%20313/foreign_input_sets/19 { "foreign_input_set": {} } 200 { "id": 19, "template_id": 1007982326, "target_template_id": 1007982327, "include_all": true, "include": null, "exclude": null }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
template_id required |
id required |
PUT /api/templates/1007982314-Job%20template%20301/foreign_input_sets/15 { "foreign_input_set": { "include_all": false } } 200 { "include_all": false, "id": 15, "template_id": 1007982314, "target_template_id": 1007982315, "include": null, "exclude": null }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
template_id required |
id required |
foreign_input_set required |
foreign_input_set[target_template_id] optional |
Target template ID Validations:
foreign_input_set[include_all] optional , nil allowed |
Include all inputs from the foreign template Validations:
foreign_input_set[include] optional , nil allowed |
A comma separated list of input names to be included from the foreign template. Validations:
foreign_input_set[exclude] optional , nil allowed |
A comma separated list of input names to be included from the foreign template. Validations:
foreign_input_set[description] optional , nil allowed |
Input set description Validations: