GET /api/job_invocations 200 { "total": 1, "subtotal": 1, "page": 1, "per_page": 20, "search": null, "sort": { "by": null, "order": null }, "results": [ { "id": 136, "description": null, "job_category": "Job name 132", "targeting_id": 144, "status": 0, "start_at": null, "status_label": "succeeded", "ssh_user": null, "time_to_pickup": null, "dynflow_task": { "id": "af212f6a-affe-4aff-b22a-9bb9ec4c9f67", "state": "stopped" }, "succeeded": "N/A", "failed": "N/A", "pending": "N/A", "total": "N/A", "missing": 0 } ] }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
search optional |
filter results Validations:
order optional |
Sort and order by a searchable field, e.g. '<field> DESC' Validations:
page optional |
Page number, starting at 1 Validations:
per_page optional |
Number of results per page to return, 'all' to return all results Validations:
GET /api/job_invocations/124 404 { "error": { "message": "Resource job_invocation not found by id '124'" } }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
host_status optional |
Show Job status for the hosts Validations:
POST /api/job_invocations { "job_invocation": { "job_category": "Job name 237", "name": "RandomName", "job_template_id": 1007982151, "targeting_type": "static_query", "search_query": "foobar", "recurrence": { "cron_line": "foo" } } } 500 { "error": { "message": "Validation failed: Triggering: Cronline foo is not valid format of cron line" } }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
job_invocation required |
job_invocation[job_template_id] optional , nil allowed |
The job template to use, parameter is required unless feature was specified Validations:
job_invocation[targeting_type] required |
Invocation type, one of {“static_query”=>“Static Query”, “dynamic_query”=>“Dynamic Query”} Validations:
job_invocation[randomized_ordering] optional , nil allowed |
Execute the jobs on hosts in randomized order Validations:
job_invocation[inputs] optional , nil allowed |
Inputs to use Validations:
job_invocation[ssh] optional , nil allowed |
SSH provider specific options Validations:
job_invocation[ssh][effective_user] optional , nil allowed |
What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms). Defaults to a template parameter or global setting. Validations:
job_invocation[ssh][effective_user_password] optional , nil allowed |
Set password for effective user (using sudo-like mechanisms) Validations:
job_invocation[ssh_user] optional , nil allowed |
Set SSH user Validations:
job_invocation[password] optional , nil allowed |
Set SSH password Validations:
job_invocation[key_passphrase] optional , nil allowed |
Set SSH key passphrase Validations:
job_invocation[recurrence] optional , nil allowed |
Create a recurring job Validations:
job_invocation[recurrence][cron_line] optional , nil allowed |
How often the job should occur, in the cron format Validations:
job_invocation[recurrence][max_iteration] optional , nil allowed |
Repeat a maximum of N times Validations:
job_invocation[recurrence][end_time] optional , nil allowed |
Perform no more executions after this time Validations:
job_invocation[recurrence][purpose] optional , nil allowed |
Designation of a special purpose Validations:
job_invocation[scheduling] optional , nil allowed |
Schedule the job to start at a later time Validations:
job_invocation[scheduling][start_at] optional , nil allowed |
Schedule the job for a future time Validations:
job_invocation[scheduling][start_before] optional , nil allowed |
Indicates that the action should be cancelled if it cannot be started before this time. Validations:
job_invocation[concurrency_control] optional , nil allowed |
Control concurrency level and distribution over time Validations:
job_invocation[concurrency_control][time_span] optional , nil allowed |
Distribute tasks over N seconds Validations:
job_invocation[concurrency_control][concurrency_level] optional , nil allowed |
Run at most N tasks at a time Validations:
job_invocation[bookmark_id] optional , nil allowed |
job_invocation[search_query] optional , nil allowed |
job_invocation[description_format] optional , nil allowed |
Override the description format from the template for this invocation only Validations:
job_invocation[execution_timeout_interval] optional , nil allowed |
Override the timeout interval from the template for this invocation only Validations:
job_invocation[feature] optional , nil allowed |
Remote execution feature label that should be triggered, job template assigned to this feature will be used Validations:
job_invocation[time_to_pickup] optional , nil allowed |
Override the global time to pickup interval for this invocation only Validations:
GET /api/job_invocations/142/hosts/109 404 { "message": "Job invocation not found by id '142'" }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
host_id required |
since optional |
GET /api/job_invocations/20/hosts/8/raw 200 { "complete": true, "refresh": false, "output": null }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
host_id required |
POST /api/job_invocations/196/cancel { "job_invocation": {} } 422 { "message": "The job could not be cancelled." }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
force optional |
POST /api/job_invocations/189/rerun { "failed_only": true, "job_invocation": {} } 201 { "id": 190, "targeting_id": 203, "job_category": "Job name 166", "task_id": "02b5ec4d-48a0-4236-8887-84c2875f7eec", "task_group_id": 14, "triggering_id": 14, "description": null, "concurrency_level": null, "time_span": null, "execution_timeout_interval": null, "password": null, "key_passphrase": null, "remote_execution_feature_id": null, "effective_user_password": null, "ssh_user": null, "time_to_pickup": null }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
failed_only optional |
POST /api/job_invocations/3/outputs { "search_query": "id = 1", "job_invocation": {} } 200 { "outputs": [ { "complete": true, "refresh": false, "output": [], "host_id": 1 } ] }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
search_query optional |
since optional |
raw optional |