GET /api/job_templates 200 { "total": 1, "subtotal": 1, "page": 1, "per_page": 20, "search": null, "sort": { "by": null, "order": null }, "results": [ { "id": 1007981843, "name": "Job template 81", "job_category": "Job name 83", "provider_type": "SSH", "snippet": false, "description_format": null, "created_at": "2023-03-02 21:03:33 UTC", "updated_at": "2023-03-02 21:03:33 UTC" } ] }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Scope by locations Validations:
organization_id optional |
Scope by organizations Validations:
search optional |
filter results Validations:
order optional |
Sort and order by a searchable field, e.g. '<field> DESC' Validations:
page optional |
Page number, starting at 1 Validations:
per_page optional |
Number of results per page to return, 'all' to return all results Validations:
POST /api/job_templates/import { "template": "<%#\nname: Job template 90_renamed\nsnippet: false\nmodel: JobTemplate\njob_category: Job name 92\nprovider_type: SSH\nkind: job_template\norganizations:\n- Organization 1\nlocations:\n- Location 1\n%>\n\nid", "job_template": { "template": "<%#\nname: Job template 90_renamed\nsnippet: false\nmodel: JobTemplate\njob_category: Job name 92\nprovider_type: SSH\nkind: job_template\norganizations:\n- Organization 1\nlocations:\n- Location 1\n%>\n\nid" } } 201 { "id": 1007981853, "name": "Job template 90_renamed", "template": "id", "snippet": false, "template_kind_id": null, "created_at": "2023-03-02T21:03:34.083Z", "updated_at": "2023-03-02T21:03:34.083Z", "locked": false, "default": false, "vendor": null, "os_family": null, "job_category": "Job name 92", "provider_type": "SSH", "description_format": null, "execution_timeout_interval": null, "description": null }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
template required |
Template ERB Validations:
overwrite optional |
Overwrite template if it already exists Validations:
GET /api/job_templates/1007981851-Job%20template%2089/export 200 <%# name: Job template 89 snippet: false model: JobTemplate job_category: Job name 91 provider_type: SSH kind: job_template organizations: - Organization 1 locations: - Location 1 %> id
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
GET /api/job_templates/1007981854-Job%20template%2091 200 { "description": null, "description_format": null, "created_at": "2023-03-02 21:03:34 UTC", "updated_at": "2023-03-02 21:03:34 UTC", "template": "id", "locked": false, "id": 1007981854, "name": "Job template 91", "job_category": "Job name 93", "provider_type": "SSH", "snippet": false, "template_inputs": [], "effective_user": { "value": null, "current_user": false, "overridable": true }, "locations": [ { "id": 255093256, "name": "Location 1", "title": "Location 1", "description": null } ], "organizations": [ { "id": 447626438, "name": "Organization 1", "title": "Organization 1", "description": null } ] }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
POST /api/job_templates { "job_template": { "template": "This is a test template", "name": "RandomName", "provider_type": "ssh" } } 201 { "description": null, "description_format": null, "created_at": "2023-03-02 21:03:33 UTC", "updated_at": "2023-03-02 21:03:33 UTC", "template": "This is a test template", "locked": false, "id": 1007981842, "name": "RandomName", "job_category": "Miscellaneous", "provider_type": "ssh", "snippet": false, "template_inputs": [], "effective_user": { "value": null, "current_user": false, "overridable": true }, "locations": [], "organizations": [] }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
job_template required |
job_template[name] required |
Template name Validations:
job_template[description] optional , nil allowed |
job_template[job_category] required |
Job category Validations:
job_template[description_format] optional , nil allowed |
This template is used to generate the description. Input values can be used using the syntax %{package}. You may also include the job category and template name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}. Validations:
job_template[template] required |
job_template[provider_type] required |
Provider type Validations:
job_template[snippet] optional , nil allowed |
job_template[audit_comment] optional , nil allowed |
job_template[locked] optional , nil allowed |
Whether or not the template is locked for editing Validations:
job_template[effective_user_attributes] optional , nil allowed |
Effective user options Validations:
job_template[effective_user_attributes][value] optional , nil allowed |
What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms) Validations:
job_template[effective_user_attributes][overridable] optional , nil allowed |
Whether it should be allowed to override the effective user from the invocation form. Validations:
job_template[effective_user_attributes][current_user] optional , nil allowed |
Whether the current user login should be used as the effective user Validations:
job_template[location_ids] optional , nil allowed |
REPLACE locations with given ids Validations:
job_template[organization_ids] optional , nil allowed |
REPLACE organizations with given ids. Validations:
PUT /api/job_templates/1007981845-Job%20template%2083 { "job_template": { "name": "Job template 83", "job_category": "Job name 85", "template": "id", "provider_type": "SSH", "effective_user_attributes": { "value": "nobody", "overridable": true, "current_user": false } } } 200 { "description": null, "description_format": null, "created_at": "2023-03-02 21:03:33 UTC", "updated_at": "2023-03-02 21:03:33 UTC", "template": "id", "locked": false, "id": 1007981845, "name": "Job template 83", "job_category": "Job name 85", "provider_type": "SSH", "snippet": false, "template_inputs": [], "effective_user": { "value": "nobody", "current_user": false, "overridable": true }, "locations": [ { "id": 255093256, "name": "Location 1", "title": "Location 1", "description": null } ], "organizations": [ { "id": 447626438, "name": "Organization 1", "title": "Organization 1", "description": null } ] }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
job_template required |
job_template[name] optional |
Template name Validations:
job_template[description] optional , nil allowed |
job_template[job_category] optional |
Job category Validations:
job_template[description_format] optional , nil allowed |
This template is used to generate the description. Input values can be used using the syntax %{package}. You may also include the job category and template name using %{job_category} and %{template_name}. Validations:
job_template[template] optional |
job_template[provider_type] optional |
Provider type Validations:
job_template[snippet] optional , nil allowed |
job_template[audit_comment] optional , nil allowed |
job_template[locked] optional , nil allowed |
Whether or not the template is locked for editing Validations:
job_template[effective_user_attributes] optional , nil allowed |
Effective user options Validations:
job_template[effective_user_attributes][value] optional , nil allowed |
What user should be used to run the script (using sudo-like mechanisms) Validations:
job_template[effective_user_attributes][overridable] optional , nil allowed |
Whether it should be allowed to override the effective user from the invocation form. Validations:
job_template[effective_user_attributes][current_user] optional , nil allowed |
Whether the current user login should be used as the effective user Validations:
job_template[location_ids] optional , nil allowed |
REPLACE locations with given ids Validations:
job_template[organization_ids] optional , nil allowed |
REPLACE organizations with given ids. Validations:
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
version optional |
Template version Validations:
DELETE /api/job_templates/1007981847-Job%20template%2085 { "job_template": {} } 200 { "id": 1007981847, "name": "Job template 85", "template": "id", "snippet": false, "template_kind_id": null, "created_at": "2023-03-02T21:03:33.460Z", "updated_at": "2023-03-02T21:03:33.460Z", "locked": false, "default": false, "vendor": null, "os_family": null, "job_category": "Job name 87", "provider_type": "SSH", "description_format": null, "execution_timeout_interval": null, "description": null }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
POST /api/job_templates/1007981840-Job%20template%2079/clone { "job_template": { "name": "" } } 422 { "error": { "id": 1007981840, "errors": { "name": [ "can't be blank" ] }, "full_messages": [ "Name can't be blank" ] } }
Param name | Description |
location_id optional |
Set the current location context for the request Validations:
organization_id optional |
Set the current organization context for the request Validations:
id required |
job_template required |
job_template[name] required |
Template name Validations: