Foreman API v2 is currently the default API version.



Resource Description
GET /katello/api/activation_keys List activation keys
GET /katello/api/environments/:environment_id/activation_keys
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/activation_keys
POST /katello/api/activation_keys Create an activation key
PUT /katello/api/activation_keys/:id Update an activation key
DELETE /katello/api/activation_keys/:id Destroy an activation key
GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:id Show an activation key
POST /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/copy Copy an activation key
GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/host_collections/available List host collections the activation key does not belong to
GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/releases Show release versions available for an activation key
POST /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/host_collections
PUT /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/host_collections
PUT /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/add_subscriptions DEPRECATED Attach a subscription
PUT /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/remove_subscriptions DEPRECATED Unattach a subscription
PUT /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/content_override Override content for activation_key
GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:id/product_content Show content available for an activation key


Resource Description
GET /api/advisor_engine/host_details Fetch Insights-related host details
PATCH /api/advisor_engine/upload_hits Upload hits from iop-advisor-engine


Resource Description
GET /api/rh_cloud/advisor_engine_config Show if system is configured to use local iop-advisor-engine.


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/alternate_content_sources List alternate content sources.
GET /katello/api/alternate_content_sources/:id Show an alternate content source.
POST /katello/api/alternate_content_sources Create an alternate content source to download content from during repository syncing. Note: alternate content sources are global and affect ALL sync actions on their smart proxies regardless of organization.
PUT /katello/api/alternate_content_sources/:id Update an alternate content source.
DELETE /katello/api/alternate_content_sources/:id Destroy an alternate content source.
POST /katello/api/alternate_content_sources/:id/refresh Refresh an alternate content source. Refreshing, like repository syncing, is required before using an alternate content source.


Resource Description
PUT /katello/api/alternate_content_sources/bulk/destroy Destroy one or more alternate content sources
POST /katello/api/alternate_content_sources/bulk/refresh Refresh alternate content sources
POST /katello/api/alternate_content_sources/bulk/refresh_all Refresh all alternate content sources

Ansible Collections

Resource Description
GET /katello/api/ansible_collections List ansible_collections
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/ansible_collections List ansible_collections
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/ansible_collections List ansible_collections
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/ansible_collections List ansible_collections
GET /katello/api/ansible_collections/:id Show an ansible collection
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/ansible_collections/:id Show an ansible collection
GET /katello/api/ansible_collections/compare List :resource


Resource Description
POST /ansible/api/ansible_inventories/hosts Show Ansible inventory for hosts
GET /ansible/api/ansible_inventories/hosts Show Ansible inventory for hosts
POST /ansible/api/ansible_inventories/hostgroups Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups
GET /ansible/api/ansible_inventories/hostgroups Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups
POST /ansible/api/ansible_inventories/schedule Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report


Resource Description
POST /ansible/api/ansible_override_values Create an override value for a specific ansible variable
PUT /ansible/api/ansible_override_values/:id Update an override value
DELETE /ansible/api/ansible_override_values/:id Destroy an override value


Resource Description
PUT /ansible/api/ansible_playbooks/sync Sync Ansible playbooks
GET /ansible/api/ansible_playbooks/fetch Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced


Resource Description
GET /ansible/api/ansible_roles/:id Show role
GET /ansible/api/ansible_roles List Ansible roles
DELETE /ansible/api/ansible_roles/:id Deletes Ansible role
PUT /ansible/api/ansible_roles/import DEPRECATED DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles
PUT /ansible/api/ansible_roles/sync Sync Ansible roles
PUT /ansible/api/ansible_roles/obsolete DEPRECATED DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles
GET /ansible/api/ansible_roles/fetch Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced


Resource Description
GET /ansible/api/ansible_variables/:id Show variable
GET /ansible/api/ansible_variables List Ansible variables
DELETE /ansible/api/ansible_variables/:id Deletes Ansible variable
POST /ansible/api/ansible_variables Create Ansible variable
PUT /ansible/api/ansible_variables/:id Updates Ansible variable
PUT /ansible/api/ansible_variables/import DEPRECATED DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. This will only import variables for already existing roles, it will not import any new roles
PUT /ansible/api/ansible_variables/obsolete DEPRECATED DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible variables. This will only obsolete variables for already existing roles, it will not delete any old roles


Resource Description
GET /api/architectures List all architectures
GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/architectures List all architectures for operating system
GET /api/architectures/:id Show an architecture
POST /api/architectures Create an architecture
PUT /api/architectures/:id Update an architecture
DELETE /api/architectures/:id Delete an architecture


Resource Description
GET /api/audits List all audits
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/audits List all audits for a given host
GET /api/audits/:id Show an audit


Resource Description
GET /api/auth_source_externals List external authentication sources
GET /api/locations/:location_id/auth_source_externals List external authentication sources per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/auth_source_externals List external authentication sources per organization
GET /api/auth_source_externals/:id Show an external authentication source
PUT /api/auth_source_externals/:id Update an external authentication source


Resource Description
GET /api/auth_source_internals List internal authentication sources
GET /api/auth_source_internals/:id Show an internal authentication source


Resource Description
GET /api/auth_source_ldaps List all LDAP authentication sources
GET /api/locations/:location_id/auth_source_ldaps List LDAP authentication sources per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/auth_source_ldaps List LDAP authentication sources per organization
GET /api/auth_source_ldaps/:id Show an LDAP authentication source
POST /api/auth_source_ldaps Create an LDAP authentication source
PUT /api/auth_source_ldaps/:id Update an LDAP authentication source
PUT /api/auth_source_ldaps/:id/test Test LDAP connection
DELETE /api/auth_source_ldaps/:id Delete an LDAP authentication source


Resource Description
GET /api/auth_sources List all authentication sources
GET /api/locations/:location_id/auth_sources List all authentication sources per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/auth_sources List all authentication sources per organization


Resource Description
GET /api/smart_proxies/:smart_proxy_id/autosign List all autosign entries
POST /api/smart_proxies/:smart_proxy_id/autosign Create autosign entry
DELETE /api/smart_proxies/:smart_proxy_id/autosign/:id Delete autosign entry


Resource Description
GET /api/bookmarks List all bookmarks
GET /api/bookmarks/:id Show a bookmark
POST /api/bookmarks Create a bookmark
PUT /api/bookmarks/:id Update a bookmark
DELETE /api/bookmarks/:id Delete a bookmark


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/counts List content counts for the smart proxy
GET /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/lifecycle_environments List the lifecycle environments attached to the smart proxy
GET /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/available_lifecycle_environments List the lifecycle environments not attached to the smart proxy
POST /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/lifecycle_environments Add lifecycle environments to the smart proxy
DELETE /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/lifecycle_environments/:environment_id Remove lifecycle environments from the smart proxy
POST /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/sync Synchronize the content to the smart proxy
POST /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/update_counts Update content counts for the smart proxy
GET /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/sync Get current smart proxy synchronization status
DELETE /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/sync Cancel running smart proxy synchronization
POST /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/reclaim_space Reclaim space from all On Demand repositories on a smart proxy
POST /katello/api/capsules/:id/content/verify_checksum Check for missing or corrupted artifacts, and attempt to redownload them.


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/capsules List all smart proxies that have content
GET /katello/api/capsules/:id Show the smart proxy details


Resource Description
GET /api/common_parameters List all global parameters
GET /api/common_parameters/:id Show a global parameter
POST /api/common_parameters Create a global parameter
PUT /api/common_parameters/:id Update a global parameter
DELETE /api/common_parameters/:id Delete a global parameter


Resource Description
GET /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes List of compute attributes for provided compute profile and compute resource
GET /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes List of compute attributes for provided compute profile and compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes List of compute attributes for compute resource
GET /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes List of compute attributes for compute profile
GET /api/compute_attributes/:id List of compute attributes
GET /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes/:id Show a compute attributes set
GET /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes/:id Show a compute attributes set
GET /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes/:id Show a compute attributes set
GET /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes/:id Show a compute attributes set
GET /api/compute_attributes/:id Show a compute attributes set
POST /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes Create a compute attributes set
POST /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes Create a compute attributes set
POST /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes Create a compute attributes set
POST /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes Create a compute attributes set
POST /api/compute_attributes Create a compute attributes set
PUT /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes/:id Update a compute attributes set
PUT /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes/:id Update a compute attributes set
PUT /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/compute_attributes/:id Update a compute attributes set
PUT /api/compute_profiles/:compute_profile_id/compute_attributes/:id Update a compute attributes set
PUT /api/compute_attributes/:id Update a compute attributes set


Resource Description
GET /api/compute_profiles List of compute profiles
GET /api/compute_profiles/:id Show a compute profile
POST /api/compute_profiles Create a compute profile
PUT /api/compute_profiles/:id Update a compute profile
DELETE /api/compute_profiles/:id Delete a compute profile


Resource Description
GET /api/compute_resources List all compute resources
GET /api/compute_resources/:id Show a compute resource
POST /api/compute_resources Create a compute resource
PUT /api/compute_resources/:id Update a compute resource
DELETE /api/compute_resources/:id Delete a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_images List available images for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_clusters List available clusters for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_flavors List available flavors for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_folders List available folders for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_zones List available zone for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_networks List available networks for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_clusters/:cluster_id/available_networks List available networks for a compute resource cluster
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_vnic_profiles List available vnic profiles for a compute resource, for oVirt only
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_clusters/:cluster_id/available_resource_pools List resource pools for a compute resource cluster
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/storage_domains/:storage_domain_id List attributes for a given storage domain
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_storage_domains List storage domains for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_storage_domains/:storage_domain DEPRECATED List attributes for a given storage domain
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_clusters/:cluster_id/available_storage_domains List storage domains for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/storage_pods/:storage_pod_id List attributes for a given storage pod
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_storage_pods List storage pods for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_storage_pods/:storage_pod DEPRECATED List attributes for a given storage pod
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_clusters/:cluster_id/available_storage_pods List storage pods for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_security_groups List available security groups for a compute resource
PUT /api/compute_resources/:id/associate/:vm_id Associate VMs to Hosts
PUT /api/compute_resources/:id/refresh_cache Refresh Compute Resource Cache
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_virtual_machines List available virtual machines for a compute resource
GET /api/compute_resources/:id/available_virtual_machines/:vm_id Show a virtual machine
PUT /api/compute_resources/:id/available_virtual_machines/:vm_id/power Power a Virtual Machine
DELETE /api/compute_resources/:id/available_virtual_machines/:vm_id Delete a Virtual Machine


Resource Description
GET /api/config_reports List all reports
GET /api/config_reports/:id Show a report
POST /api/config_reports Create a report
DELETE /api/config_reports/:id Delete a report
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/config_reports/last Show the last report for a host


Resource Description
GET /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/v2/configs List of virt-who configurations
GET /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/v2/organizations/:organization_id/configs List of virt-who configurations per organization
GET /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/v2/configs/:id Show a virt-who configuration
GET /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/v2/configs/:id/deploy_script Renders a deploy script for the specified virt-who configuration
POST /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/v2/configs Create a virt-who configuration
PUT /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/v2/configs/:id Update a virt-who configuration
DELETE /foreman_virt_who_configure/api/v2/configs/:id Delete a virt-who configuration


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/content_credentials List Content Credentials
POST /katello/api/content_credentials Create a Content Credential
GET /katello/api/content_credentials/:id Show a Content Credential
PUT /katello/api/content_credentials/:id Update a Content Credential
DELETE /katello/api/content_credentials/:id Destroy a Content Credential
GET /katello/api/content_credentials/:id/content Return the content of a Content Credential, used directly by yum
POST /katello/api/content_credentials/:id/content Upload Content Credential contents


Resource Description
POST /katello/api/content_export_incrementals/version Performs an incremental-export of a content view version.
POST /katello/api/content_export_incrementals/library Performs an incremental-export of the repositories in library.
POST /katello/api/content_export_incrementals/repository Performs a incremental-export of the repository in library.


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/content_exports List export histories
POST /katello/api/content_exports/version Performs a full-export of a content view version.
POST /katello/api/content_exports/library Performs a full-export of the repositories in library.
POST /katello/api/content_exports/repository Performs a full-export of the repository in library.


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/content_imports List import histories
POST /katello/api/content_imports/version Import a content view version
POST /katello/api/content_imports/library Import a content view version to the library
POST /katello/api/content_imports/repository Import a repository


Resource Description
POST /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/content_uploads Create an upload request
PUT /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/content_uploads/:id Upload a chunk of the file's content
DELETE /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/content_uploads/:id Delete an upload request


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/content_views/:composite_content_view_id/content_view_components List components attached to this content view
PUT /katello/api/content_views/:composite_content_view_id/content_view_components/add Add components to the content view
PUT /katello/api/content_views/:composite_content_view_id/content_view_components/remove Remove components from the content view
GET /katello/api/content_views/:composite_content_view_id/content_view_components/:id Show a content view component
PUT /katello/api/content_views/:composite_content_view_id/content_view_components/:id Update a component associated with the content view


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/content_view_environments List content view environments


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/rules List filter rules
POST /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/rules Create a filter rule. The parameters included should be based upon the filter type.
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/rules/:id Show filter rule info
PUT /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/rules/:id Update a filter rule. The parameters included should be based upon the filter type.
DELETE /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/rules/:id Delete a filter rule


Resource Description
get /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters list filters
get /katello/api/content_view_filters list filters
post /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters create a filter for a content view
post /katello/api/content_view_filters create a filter for a content view
get /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:id show filter info
get /katello/api/content_view_filters/:id show filter info
put /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:id update a filter
put /katello/api/content_view_filters/:id update a filter
delete /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:id delete a filter
delete /katello/api/content_view_filters/:id delete a filter
put /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:id/remove_filter_rules bulk delete filter rules
put /katello/api/content_view_filters/:id/remove_filter_rules bulk delete filter rules
put /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:id/add_filter_rules bulk add filter rules
put /katello/api/content_view_filters/:id/add_filter_rules bulk add filter rules


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/content_views/:id/history Show a content view's history


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/content_view_versions List content view versions
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/content_view_versions List content view versions
GET /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id Show content view version
POST /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id/promote Promote a content view version
PUT /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id Update a content view version
PUT /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id/republish_repositories Forces a republish of the version's repositories' metadata
DELETE /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id Remove content view version
POST /katello/api/content_view_versions/incremental_update Perform an Incremental Update on one or more Content View Versions
POST /katello/api/content_view_versions/:id/verify_checksum Verify checksum of repository contents in the content view version


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/content_views List content views
GET /katello/api/content_views List content views
POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/content_views Create a content view
POST /katello/api/content_views Create a content view
PUT /katello/api/content_views/:id Update a content view
POST /katello/api/content_views/:id/publish Publish a content view
GET /katello/api/content_views/:id Show a content view
DELETE /katello/api/content_views/:id/environments/:environment_id Remove a content view from an environment
PUT /katello/api/content_views/:id/remove Remove versions and/or environments from a content view and reassign systems and keys
PUT /katello/api/content_views/:id/bulk_delete_versions Bulk remove versions from a content view and reassign systems and keys
PUT /katello/api/content_views/:id/remove_filters Delete multiple filters from a content view
DELETE /katello/api/content_views/:id Delete a content view
POST /katello/api/content_views/:id/copy Make copy of a content view


Resource Description
GET /api/dashboard Get dashboard details

Deb Packages

Resource Description
GET /katello/api/debs List deb packages
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/debs List deb packages
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/debs List deb packages
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/debs List deb packages
GET /katello/api/debs/:id Show a deb package
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/debs/:id Show a deb package
GET /katello/api/debs/compare List deb packages


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/docker_manifest_lists List docker_manifest_lists
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/docker_manifest_lists List docker_manifest_lists
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/docker_manifest_lists List docker_manifest_lists
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_manifest_lists List docker_manifest_lists
GET /katello/api/docker_manifest_lists/:id Show a docker manifest list
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_manifest_lists/:id Show a docker manifest list
GET /katello/api/docker_manifest_lists/compare List docker_manifest_lists


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/docker_manifests List docker_manifests
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/docker_manifests List docker_manifests
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/docker_manifests List docker_manifests
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_manifests List docker_manifests
GET /katello/api/docker_manifests/:id Show a docker manifest
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_manifests/:id Show a docker manifest
GET /katello/api/docker_manifests/compare List docker_manifests


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/docker_tags List docker_tags
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/docker_tags List docker_tags
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/docker_tags List docker_tags
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_tags List docker_tags
GET /katello/api/docker_tags/:id Show a docker tag
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/docker_tags/:id Show a docker tag
GET /katello/api/docker_tags/compare List docker_tags
GET /katello/api/docker_tags/:id/repositories List of repositories for a docker meta tag


Resource Description
GET /api/domains List of domains
GET /api/subnets/:subnet_id/domains List of domains per subnet
GET /api/locations/:location_id/domains List of domains per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/domains List of domains per organization
GET /api/domains/:id Show a domain
POST /api/domains Create a domain
PUT /api/domains/:id Update a domain
DELETE /api/domains/:id Delete a domain


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/errata List errata
GET /katello/api/errata/:id Show an erratum
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/errata/:id Show an erratum
GET /katello/api/errata/compare List errata


Resource Description
GET /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups List all external user groups for user group
GET /api/auth_source_ldaps/:auth_source_ldap_id/external_usergroups List all external user groups for LDAP authentication source
GET /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups/:id Show an external user group for user group
GET /api/auth_source_ldaps/:auth_source_ldap_id/external_usergroups/:id Show an external user group for LDAP authentication source
POST /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups Create an external user group linked to a user group
PUT /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups/:id Update external user group
PUT /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups/:id/refresh Refresh external user group
DELETE /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/external_usergroups/:id Delete an external user group


Resource Description
GET /api/fact_values List all fact values
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/facts List all fact values of a given host


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/files List files
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/files List files
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/files List files
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/files List files
GET /katello/api/files/:id Show a file
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/files/:id Show a file
GET /katello/api/files/compare List :resource


Resource Description
GET /api/filters List all filters
GET /api/filters/:id Show a filter
POST /api/filters Create a filter
PUT /api/filters/:id Update a filter
DELETE /api/filters/:id Delete a filter

Flatpak Remote Repositories

Resource Description
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/flatpak_remote_repositories List flatpak remote repositories
GET /katello/api/flatpak_remotes/:flatpak_remote_id/flatpak_remote_repositories List flatpak remote's repositories
GET /katello/api/flatpak_remote_repositories/:id Show a flatpak remote repository
POST /katello/api/flatpak_remote_repositories/:id/mirror Mirror a flatpak remote repository

Flatpak Remotes

Resource Description
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/flatpak_remotes List flatpak remotes
GET /katello/api/flatpak_remotes List flatpak remotes
GET /katello/api/flatpak_remotes/:id Show a flatpak remote
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/flatpak_remotes/:id Show a flatpak remote
POST /katello/api/flatpak_remotes Create a flatpak remote
PUT /katello/api/flatpak_remotes/:id Update a flatpak remote
DELETE /katello/api/flatpak_remotes/:id Delete a flatpak remote
POST /katello/api/flatpak_remotes/:id/scan Scan a flatpak remote


Resource Description
GET /api/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets List foreign input sets
GET /api/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets/:id Show foreign input set details
POST /api/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets Create a foreign input set
DELETE /api/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets/:id Delete a foreign input set
PUT /api/templates/:template_id/foreign_input_sets/:id Update a foreign input set


Resource Description
GET /foreman_tasks/api/tasks/summary Show task summary
GET /foreman_tasks/api/tasks/:id Show task details
GET /foreman_tasks/api/tasks/:id/details Show task extended details
POST /foreman_tasks/api/tasks/bulk_search List dynflow tasks for uuids
POST /foreman_tasks/api/tasks/bulk_resume Resume all paused error tasks
POST /foreman_tasks/api/tasks/bulk_cancel Cancel selected cancellable tasks
POST /foreman_tasks/api/tasks/bulk_stop Stop selected stoppable tasks
GET /foreman_tasks/api/tasks List tasks
GET /foreman_tasks/api/tasks/:parent_task_id/sub_tasks Show sub_tasks details
POST /foreman_tasks/api/tasks/callback Send data to the task from external executor (such as smart_proxy_dynflow)

Content Units

Resource Description
GET /katello/api/content_units List content_units
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/content_units List content_units
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/content_units List content_units
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/content_units List content_units
GET /katello/api/content_units/:id Show a content unit
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/content_units/:id Show a content unit
GET /katello/api/content_units/compare List :resource
GET /katello/api/ostree_refs List ostree_refs
GET /katello/api/ostree_refs/:id Show ostree ref
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/ostree_refs/:id Show ostree ref
GET /katello/api/python_packages List python_packages
GET /katello/api/python_packages/:id Show python package
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/python_packages/:id Show python package


Resource Description
GET /api Show available API links
GET /api/status Show status


Resource Description
GET /api/hosts/bootc_images List booted bootc container images for hosts


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/host_collections/:id Show a host collection
GET /katello/api/host_collections List host collections
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/host_collections List host collections within an organization
GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:activation_key_id/host_collections List host collections in an activation key
POST /katello/api/host_collections Create a host collection
POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/host_collections Create a host collection
PUT /katello/api/host_collections/:id Update a host collection
PUT /katello/api/host_collections/:id/add_hosts Add host to the host collection
PUT /katello/api/host_collections/:id/remove_hosts Remove hosts from the host collection
DELETE /katello/api/host_collections/:id Destroy a host collection
POST /katello/api/host_collections/:id/copy Make copy of a host collection


Resource Description
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/debs List deb packages installed on the host


Resource Description
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/errata List errata available for the content host
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/errata/:id Retrieve a single errata for a host
PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/errata/applicability Force regenerate applicability.


Resource Description
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/module_streams List module streams available to the host


Resource Description
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/packages List packages installed on the host
GET /api/host_packages/:id Show :a_resource
GET /api/repositories/:repository_id/host_packages/:id Show :a_resource
GET /api/host_packages/compare List :resource
GET /api/host_packages/installed_packages Return a list of installed packages distinct by name


Resource Description
GET /api/host_statuses List of host statuses


Resource Description
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions DEPRECATED List a host's subscriptions
PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/auto_attach DEPRECATED Trigger an auto-attach of subscriptions
DELETE /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions Unregister the host as a subscription consumer
POST /api/hosts/subscriptions Register a host with subscription and information
PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/remove_subscriptions DEPRECATED Remove subscriptions from a host
PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/add_subscriptions DEPRECATED Add a subscription to a host
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/product_content Get content and overrides for the host
PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/content_override Set content overrides for the host
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/available_release_versions Show releases available for the content host
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/subscriptions/enabled_repositories Show repositories enabled on the host that are known to Katello


Resource Description
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/traces List services that need restarting on the host
PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/traces/resolve Resolve traces


Resource Description
GET /api/hostgroups List all host groups
GET /api/locations/:location_id/hostgroups List all host groups per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/hostgroups List all host groups per organization
GET /api/hostgroups/:id Show a host group
POST /api/hostgroups Create a host group
PUT /api/hostgroups/:id Update a host group
DELETE /api/hostgroups/:id Delete a host group
POST /api/hostgroups/:id/clone Clone a host group
PUT /api/hostgroups/:id/rebuild_config Rebuild orchestration config
POST /api/hostgroups/:id/play_roles Runs all Ansible roles on a hostgroup
POST /api/hostgroups/multiple_play_roles Runs all Ansible roles on hostgroups
GET /api/hostgroups/:id/ansible_roles List all Ansible roles for a hostgroup
POST /api/hostgroups/:id/assign_ansible_roles Assigns Ansible roles to a hostgroup
PUT /api/hostgroups/:id/ansible_roles/:ansible_role_id Directly add an Ansible role to a hostgroup
DELETE /api/hostgroups/:id/ansible_roles/:ansible_role_id Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a hostgroup


Resource Description
GET /api/hosts List all hosts
GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/hosts List all hosts for a host group
GET /api/locations/:location_id/hosts List hosts per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/hosts List hosts per organization
GET /api/hosts/:id Show a host
POST /api/hosts Create a host
PUT /api/hosts/:id Update a host
DELETE /api/hosts/:id Delete a host
GET /api/hosts/:id/enc Get ENC values of host
GET /api/hosts/:id/status/:type Get status of host
DELETE /api/hosts/:id/status/:type Clear sub-status of host
GET /api/hosts/:id/vm_compute_attributes Get vm attributes of host
PUT /api/hosts/:id/disassociate Disassociate the host from a VM
PUT /api/hosts/:id/power Run a power operation on host
GET /api/hosts/:id/power Fetch the status of whether the host is powered on or not. Supported hosts are VMs and physical hosts with BMCs.
PUT /api/hosts/:id/boot Boot host from specified device
POST /api/hosts/facts Upload facts for a host, creating the host if required
PUT /api/hosts/:id/rebuild_config Rebuild orchestration config
GET /api/hosts/:id/template/:kind Preview rendered provisioning template content
GET /api/hosts/:id/templates Get provisioning templates for the host
GET /api/hosts/:id/inherited_parameters Get all inherited parameters for a host
PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/host_collections Alter a host's host collections
POST /api/hosts/:id/play_roles Runs all Ansible roles on a host
POST /api/hosts/multiple_play_roles Runs all Ansible roles on hosts
GET /api/hosts/:id/ansible_roles List all Ansible roles for a host
POST /api/hosts/:id/assign_ansible_roles Assigns Ansible roles to a host
PUT /api/hosts/:id/ansible_roles/:ansible_role_id Directly add an Ansible role to a host
DELETE /api/hosts/:id/ansible_roles/:ansible_role_id Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a host


Resource Description
DELETE /api/hosts/bulk Delete multiple hosts
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/build Build
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/reassign_hostgroups Reassign hostgroups
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/add_host_collections Add one or more host collections to one or more hosts
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/remove_host_collections Remove one or more host collections from one or more hosts
POST /api/hosts/bulk/applicable_errata Fetch applicable errata for one or more hosts.
POST /api/hosts/bulk/installable_errata Fetch installable errata for one or more hosts.
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/destroy Destroy one or more hosts
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/remove_subscriptions DEPRECATED Remove subscriptions from one or more hosts
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/add_subscriptions DEPRECATED Add subscriptions to one or more hosts
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/auto_attach DEPRECATED Trigger an auto-attach of subscriptions on one or more hosts
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/content_overrides Set content overrides to one or more hosts
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/environment_content_view Assign the environment and content view to one or more hosts
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/release_version Assign the release version to one or more hosts
POST /api/hosts/bulk/traces Fetch traces for one or more hosts
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/resolve_traces Resolve traces for one or more hosts
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/system_purpose Assign system purpose attributes on one or more hosts
POST /api/hosts/bulk/available_incremental_updates Given a set of hosts and errata, lists the content view versions and environments that need updating.
POST /api/hosts/bulk/module_streams Fetch available module streams for hosts.
PUT /api/hosts/bulk/change_content_source Update the content source for specified hosts and generate the reconfiguration script


Resource Description
GET /api/http_proxies List of HTTP Proxies
GET /api/http_proxies/:id Show an HTTP Proxy
POST /api/http_proxies Create an HTTP Proxy
PUT /api/http_proxies/:id Update an HTTP Proxy
DELETE /api/http_proxies/:id Delete an HTTP Proxy


Resource Description
GET /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images List all images for a compute resource
GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/images List all images for operating system
GET /api/architectures/:architecture_id/images List all images for architecture
GET /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images/:id Show an image
GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/images/:id Show an image
GET /api/architectures/:architecture_id/images/:id Show an image
POST /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images Create an image
PUT /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images/:id Update an image
DELETE /api/compute_resources/:compute_resource_id/images/:id Delete an image


Resource Description
PUT /api/instance_hosts/:host_id Assign a host to the Foreman instance
GET /api/instance_hosts List hosts forming the Foreman instance
DESTROY /api/instance_hosts/:host_id Unassign a given host from the Foreman instance


Resource Description
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/interfaces List all interfaces for host
GET /api/domains/:domain_id/interfaces List all interfaces for domain
GET /api/subnets/:subnet_id/interfaces List all interfaces for subnet
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/interfaces/:id Show an interface for host
POST /api/hosts/:host_id/interfaces Create an interface on a host
PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/interfaces/:id Update a host's interface
DELETE /api/hosts/:host_id/interfaces/:id Delete a host's interface


Resource Description
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/rh_cloud/report Download latest report
POST /api/organizations/:organization_id/rh_cloud/report Start report generation
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/rh_cloud/missing_hosts Grab hosts that are missing in RH Cloud
POST /api/organizations/:organization_id/rh_cloud/missing_hosts Grab hosts that are missing in RH Cloud
POST /api/organizations/:organization_id/rh_cloud/inventory_sync Start inventory synchronization
POST /api/rh_cloud/enable_connector Enable cloud connector


Resource Description
GET /api/job_invocations List job invocations
GET /api/job_invocations/:id Show job invocation
POST /api/job_invocations Create a job invocation
GET /api/job_invocations/:id/hosts/:host_id Get output for a host
GET /api/job_invocations/:id/hosts List hosts belonging to job invocation
GET /api/job_invocations/:id/hosts/:host_id/raw Get raw output for a host
POST /api/job_invocations/:id/cancel Cancel job invocation
POST /api/job_invocations/:id/rerun Rerun job on failed hosts
GET /api/job_invocations/:id/outputs Get outputs of hosts in a job


Resource Description
GET /api/job_templates List job templates
GET /api/locations/:location_id/job_templates List job templates per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/job_templates List job templates per organization
POST /api/job_templates/import Import a job template from ERB
GET /api/job_templates/:id/export Export a job template to ERB
GET /api/job_templates/:id Show job template details
POST /api/job_templates Create a job template
PUT /api/job_templates/:id Update a job template
GET /api/job_templates/revision
DELETE /api/job_templates/:id Delete a job template
POST /api/job_templates/:id/clone Clone a provision template


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/environments List environments in an organization
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments List environments in an organization
GET /katello/api/environments/:id Show an environment
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments/:environment_id Show an environment
POST /katello/api/environments Create an environment
POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments Create an environment in an organization
PUT /katello/api/environments/:id Update an environment
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments/:id Update an environment in an organization
DELETE /katello/api/environments/:id Destroy an environment
DELETE /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments/:id Destroy an environment in an organization
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments/paths List environment paths


Resource Description
GET /api/locations List all locations
GET /api/locations/:id Show a location
POST /api/locations Create a location
PUT /api/locations/:id Update a location
DELETE /api/locations/:id Delete a location


Resource Description
GET /api/mail_notifications List of email notifications
GET /api/mail_notifications/:id Show an email notification
POST /api/users/:user_id/mail_notifications Add an email notification for a user
PUT /api/users/:user_id/mail_notifications/:mail_notification_id Update an email notification for a user
DELETE /api/users/:user_id/mail_notifications/:mail_notification_id Remove an email notification for a user
GET /api/users/:user_id/mail_notifications List all email notifications for a user


Resource Description
GET /api/media List all installation media
GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/media List all media for an operating system
GET /api/locations/:location_id/media List all media per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/media List all media per organization
GET /api/media/:id Show a medium
POST /api/media Create a medium
PUT /api/media/:id Update a medium
DELETE /api/media/:id Delete a medium


Resource Description
GET /api/models List all hardware models
GET /api/models/:id Show a hardware model
POST /api/models Create a hardware model
PUT /api/models/:id Update a hardware model
DELETE /api/models/:id Delete a hardware model


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/module_streams List module_streams
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/module_streams List module_streams
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/module_streams List module_streams
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/module_streams List module_streams
GET /katello/api/module_streams/:id Show a module stream
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/module_streams/:id Show a module stream
GET /katello/api/module_streams/compare List module_streams

Operating systems

Resource Description
GET /api/operatingsystems List all operating systems
GET /api/architectures/:architecture_id/operatingsystems List all operating systems for nested architecture
GET /api/media/:medium_id/operatingsystems List all operating systems for nested medium
GET /api/ptables/:ptable_id/operatingsystems List all operating systems for nested partition table
GET /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/operatingsystems List all operating systems for nested provisioning template
GET /api/operatingsystems/:id Show an operating system
POST /api/operatingsystems Create an operating system
PUT /api/operatingsystems/:id Update an operating system
DELETE /api/operatingsystems/:id Delete an operating system
GET /api/operatingsystems/:id/bootfiles DEPRECATED List boot files for an operating system


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/organizations List all organizations
GET /katello/api/organizations/:id Show organization
POST /katello/api/organizations Create organization
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:id Update organization
DELETE /katello/api/organizations/:id Delete an organization
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:id/repo_discover Discover Repositories
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:label/cancel_repo_discover Cancel repository discovery
GET /katello/api/organizations/:label/download_debug_certificate Download a debug certificate
GET /katello/api/organizations/:id/releases List available releases in the organization
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:id/cdn_configuration Update the CDN configuration
GET /katello/api/organizations/:id/redhat_provider DEPRECATED List all :resource_id


Resource Description
GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/os_default_templates List default templates combinations for an operating system
GET /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/os_default_templates List operating systems where this template is set as a default
GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/os_default_templates/:id Show a default template combination for an operating system
POST /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/os_default_templates Create a default template combination for an operating system
PUT /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/os_default_templates/:id Update a default template combination for an operating system
DELETE /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/os_default_templates/:id Delete a default template combination for an operating system


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/package_groups List package_groups
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/package_groups List package_groups
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/package_groups List package_groups
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/package_groups List package_groups
GET /katello/api/package_groups/:id Show a package group
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/package_groups/:id Show a package group
GET /katello/api/package_groups/compare List package_groups


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/packages List packages
GET /katello/api/content_views/:content_view_id/filters/:filter_id/:resource_id List :resource_id
GET /katello/api/content_view_filters/:content_view_filter_id/:resource_id List :resource_id
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/:resource_id List :resource_id
GET /katello/api/packages/:id Show a package
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/packages/:id Show a package
GET /katello/api/packages/compare List packages
GET /katello/api/packages/thindex List all packages unique by name


Resource Description
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters List all parameters for a host
GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters List all parameters for a host group
GET /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters List all parameters for a domain
GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters List all parameters for an operating system
GET /api/locations/:location_id/parameters List all parameters for a location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters List all parameters for an organization
GET /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters List all parameters for a subnet
GET /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters/:id Show a nested parameter for a host
GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters/:id Show a nested parameter for a host group
GET /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters/:id Show a nested parameter for a domain
GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters/:id Show a nested parameter for an operating system
GET /api/locations/:location_id/parameters/:id Show a nested parameter for a location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters/:id Show a nested parameter for an organization
GET /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters/:id Show a nested parameter for a subnet
POST /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters Create a nested parameter for a host
POST /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters Create a nested parameter for a host group
POST /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters Create a nested parameter for a domain
POST /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters Create a nested parameter for an operating system
POST /api/locations/:location_id/parameters Create a nested parameter for a location
POST /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters Create a nested parameter for an organization
POST /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters Create a nested parameter for a subnet
PUT /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters/:id Update a nested parameter for a host
PUT /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters/:id Update a nested parameter for a host group
PUT /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters/:id Update a nested parameter for a domain
PUT /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters/:id Update a nested parameter for an operating system
PUT /api/locations/:location_id/parameters/:id Update a nested parameter for a location
PUT /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters/:id Update a nested parameter for an organization
PUT /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters/:id Update a nested parameter for a subnet
DELETE /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters/:id Delete a nested parameter for a host
DELETE /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters/:id Delete a nested parameter for a host group
DELETE /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters/:id Delete a nested parameter for a domain
DELETE /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters/:id Delete a nested parameter for an operating system
DELETE /api/locations/:location_id/parameters/:id Delete a nested parameter for a location
DELETE /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters/:id Delete a nested parameter for an organization
DELETE /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters/:id Delete a nested parameter for a subnet
DELETE /api/hosts/:host_id/parameters Delete all nested parameters for a host
DELETE /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/parameters Delete all nested parameters for a host group
DELETE /api/domains/:domain_id/parameters Delete all nested parameters for a domain
DELETE /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/parameters Delete all nested parameters for an operating system
DELETE /api/locations/:location_id/parameters Delete all nested parameter for a location
DELETE /api/organizations/:organization_id/parameters Delete all nested parameter for an organization
DELETE /api/subnets/:subnet_id/parameters Delete all nested parameters for a subnet


Resource Description
GET /api/permissions List all permissions
GET /api/permissions/:id Show a permission
GET /api/permissions/resource_types List available resource types
GET /api/permissions/current_permissions List all permissions for current user


Resource Description
GET /api/users/:user_id/personal_access_tokens List all Personal Access Tokens for a user
GET /api/users/:user_id/personal_access_tokens/:id Show a Personal Access Token for a user
POST /api/users/:user_id/personal_access_tokens Create a Personal Access Token for a user
DELETE /api/users/:user_id/personal_access_tokens/:id Revoke a Personal Access Token for a user


Resource Description
GET /api/ping Shows status of Foreman system and it's subcomponents
GET /api/statuses Shows status and version information of Foreman system and it's subcomponents
GET /katello/api/ping Shows status of Katello system and it's subcomponents
GET /katello/api/status Shows version information


Resource Description
GET /api/plugins List installed plugins


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/products List products
GET /katello/api/subscriptions/:subscription_id/products List of subscription products in a subscription
GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:activation_key_id/products List of subscription products in an activation key
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/products List of products in an organization
GET /katello/api/sync_plans/:sync_plan_id/products List of Products for sync plan
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:sync_plan_id/products List of Products for sync plan
POST /katello/api/products Create a product
GET /katello/api/products/:id Show a product
PUT /katello/api/products/:id Updates a product
DELETE /katello/api/products/:id Destroy a product
POST /katello/api/products/:id/sync Sync all repositories for a product


Resource Description
PUT /katello/api/products/bulk/destroy Destroy one or more products
PUT /katello/api/products/bulk/sync Sync one or more products
PUT /katello/api/products/bulk/verify_checksum Verify checksum for one or more products
PUT /katello/api/products/bulk/http_proxy Update the HTTP proxy configuration on the repositories of one or more products.
PUT /katello/api/products/bulk/sync_plan Sync one or more products


Resource Description
GET /api/provisioning_templates List provisioning templates
GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/provisioning_templates List provisioning templates per operating system
GET /api/locations/:location_id/provisioning_templates List provisioning templates per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/provisioning_templates List provisioning templates per organization
GET /api/provisioning_templates/:id Show provisioning template details
POST /api/provisioning_templates Create a provisioning template
POST /api/provisioning_templates/import Import a provisioning template
PUT /api/provisioning_templates/:id Update a provisioning template
GET /api/provisioning_templates/revision
DELETE /api/provisioning_templates/:id Delete a provisioning template
POST /api/provisioning_templates/build_pxe_default Update the default PXE menu on all configured TFTP servers
POST /api/provisioning_templates/:id/clone Clone a provision template
GET /api/provisioning_templates/:id/export Export a provisioning template to ERB


Resource Description
GET /api/ptables List all partition tables
GET /api/operatingsystems/:operatingsystem_id/ptables List all partition tables for an operating system
GET /api/locations/:location_id/ptables List all partition tables per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/ptables List all partition tables per organization
GET /api/ptables/:id Show a partition table
POST /api/ptables Create a partition table
POST /api/ptables/import Import a partition table
GET /api/ptables/revision
PUT /api/ptables/:id Update a partition table
DELETE /api/ptables/:id Delete a partition table
POST /api/ptables/:id/clone Clone a template
GET /api/ptables/:id/export Export a partition template to ERB


Resource Description
GET /api/realms List of realms
GET /api/realms/:id Show a realm
POST /api/realms Create a realm
PUT /api/realms/:id Update a realm
DELETE /api/realms/:id Delete a realm


Resource Description
GET /foreman_tasks/api/recurring_logics List recurring logics
GET /foreman_tasks/api/recurring_logics/:id Show recurring logic details
PUT /foreman_tasks/api/recurring_logics/:id Update recurring logic
POST /foreman_tasks/api/recurring_logics/:id/cancel Cancel recurring logic
POST /foreman_tasks/api/recurring_logics/bulk_destroy Delete recurring logics by search query


Resource Description
GET /api/register Render Global registration template
POST /api/register Find or create a host and render the 'Host initial configuration' template


Resource Description
POST /api/registration_commands Generate global registration command


Resource Description
DELETE /api/users/:user_id/registration_tokens Invalidate all registration tokens for a specific user
DELETE /api/registration_tokens Invalidate all registration tokens for multiple users


Resource Description
GET /api/remote_execution_features List remote execution features
GET /api/remote_execution_features/:id Show remote execution feature
PUT /api/remote_execution_features/:id Update a job template
GET /api/api/hosts/:id/available_remote_execution_features List available remote execution features for a host


Resource Description
GET /api/report_templates List all report templates
GET /api/locations/:location_id/report_templates List all report templates per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/report_templates List all report templates per organization
GET /api/report_templates/:id Show a report template
POST /api/report_templates Create a report template
POST /api/report_templates/import Import a report template
GET /api/report_templates/revision
PUT /api/report_templates/:id Update a report template
DELETE /api/report_templates/:id Delete a report template
POST /api/report_templates/:id/clone Clone a template
GET /api/report_templates/:id/export Export a report template to ERB
POST /api/report_templates/:id/generate Generate report from a template
POST /api/report_templates/:id/schedule_report Schedule generating of a report
GET /api/report_templates/:id/report_data/:job_id Downloads a generated report


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/repositories List of enabled repositories
GET /katello/api/content_views/:id/repositories List of repositories for a content view
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/repositories List of repositories in an organization
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/environments/:environment_id/repositories List repositories in the environment
GET /katello/api/products/:product_id/repositories List of repositories for a product
GET /katello/api/environments/:environment_id/products/:product_id/repositories List of repositories belonging to a product in an environment
GET /katello/api/repositories/compare List :resource
POST /katello/api/repositories Create a custom repository
GET /katello/api/repositories/repository_types Show the available repository types
PUT /katello/api/repositories/:id/republish Forces a republish of the specified repository, regenerating metadata and symlinks on the filesystem. Not allowed for repositories with the 'Complete Mirroring' mirroring policy.
GET /katello/api/repositories/:id Show a repository
POST /katello/api/repositories/:id/sync Sync a repository
POST /katello/api/repositories/:id/verify_checksum Verify checksum of repository contents
POST /katello/api/repositories/:id/reclaim_space Reclaim space from an On Demand repository
PUT /katello/api/repositories/:id Update a repository
DELETE /katello/api/repositories/:id Destroy a custom repository
PUT /katello/api/repositories/:id/remove_packages
PUT /katello/api/repositories/:id/remove_docker_manifests
PUT /katello/api/repositories/:id/remove_content
POST /katello/api/repositories/:id/upload_content This endpoint is primarily designed for UI interactions and uploading content into the repository. For API-based uploads, please use the 'content_uploads' endpoint instead.
PUT /katello/api/repositories/:id/import_uploads Import uploads into a repository
GET /katello/api/repositories/:id/gpg_key_content Return the content of a repo gpg key, used directly by yum
GET /katello/api/content_types Return the enabled content types


Resource Description
PUT /katello/api/repositories/bulk/destroy Destroy one or more repositories
POST /katello/api/repositories/bulk/sync Synchronize repository
POST /katello/api/repositories/bulk/reclaim_space Reclaim space from On Demand repositories


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/repository_sets List repository sets.
GET /katello/api/products/:product_id/repository_sets List repository sets for a product.
GET /katello/api/repository_sets/:id Get info about a repository set
GET /katello/api/products/:product_id/repository_sets/:id Get info about a repository set
GET /katello/api/repository_sets/:id/available_repositories Get list of available repositories for the repository set
GET /katello/api/products/:product_id/repository_sets/:id/available_repositories Get list of available repositories for the repository set
PUT /katello/api/repository_sets/:id/enable Enable a repository from the set
PUT /katello/api/products/:product_id/repository_sets/:id/enable Enable a repository from the set
PUT /katello/api/repository_sets/:id/disable Disable a repository from the set
PUT /katello/api/products/:product_id/repository_sets/:id/disable Disable a repository from the set


Resource Description
GET /api/roles List all roles
GET /api/roles/:id Show a role
POST /api/roles Create a role
PUT /api/roles/:id Update a role
DELETE /api/roles/:id Delete a role
POST /api/roles/:id/clone Clone a role


Resource Description
GET /api/settings List all settings
GET /api/settings/:id Show a setting
PUT /api/settings/:id Update a setting


Resource Description
GET /api/smart_proxies List all smart proxies
GET /api/smart_proxies/:id Show a smart proxy
POST /api/smart_proxies Create a smart proxy
PUT /api/smart_proxies/:id Update a smart proxy
DELETE /api/smart_proxies/:id Delete a smart proxy
PUT /api/smart_proxies/:id/refresh Refresh smart proxy features
POST /api/smart_proxies/:id/import_subnets Import subnets from Smart proxy


Resource Description
PUT /api/smart_proxies/:smart_proxy_id/hosts/:host_id Assign a host to the smart proxy
GET /api/smart_proxies/:smart_proxy_id/hosts Get hosts forming the smart proxy
DELETE /api/smart_proxies/:smart_proxy_id/hosts/:host_id Unassign a given host from the smart proxy


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/srpms List srpms
GET /katello/api/srpms/:id Show SRPM details
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/srpms/:id Show SRPM details
GET /katello/api/srpms/compare List srpms


Resource Description
GET /api/users/:user_id/ssh_keys List all SSH keys for a user
GET /api/users/:user_id/ssh_keys/:id Show an SSH key from a user
POST /api/users/:user_id/ssh_keys Add an SSH key for a user
DELETE /api/users/:user_id/ssh_keys/:id Delete an SSH key for a user


Resource Description
GET /api/subnets List of subnets
GET /api/domains/:domain_id/subnets List of subnets for a domain
GET /api/locations/:location_id/subnets List of subnets per location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/subnets List of subnets per organization
GET /api/subnets/:id Show a subnet
POST /api/subnets Create a subnet
PUT /api/subnets/:id Update a subnet
DELETE /api/subnets/:id Delete a subnet
GET /api/subnets/:id/freeip Provides an unused IP address in this subnet


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions List organization subscriptions
GET /katello/api/activation_keys/:activation_key_id/subscriptions List an activation key's subscriptions
GET /katello/api/subscriptions List subscriptions
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions/:id Show a subscription
GET /katello/api/subscriptions/:id Show a subscription
POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions/upload Upload a subscription manifest
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions/refresh_manifest Refresh previously imported manifest for Red Hat provider
POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions/delete_manifest Delete manifest from Red Hat provider
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/subscriptions/manifest_history obtain manifest history for subscriptions


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/repositories/:repository_id/sync Get status of synchronisation for given repository


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/sync_plans List sync plans
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id Show a sync plan
GET /katello/api/sync_plans/:id Show a sync plan
POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans Create a sync plan
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id Update a sync plan
PUT /katello/api/sync_plans/:id Update a sync plan
DELETE /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id Destroy a sync plan
DELETE /katello/api/sync_plans/:id Destroy a sync plan
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id/add_products Add products to sync plan
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id/remove_products Remove products from sync plan
PUT /katello/api/sync_plans/:id/sync Initiate a sync of the products attached to the sync plan
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/sync_plans/:id/sync Initiate a sync of the products attached to the sync plan


Resource Description
GET /api/users/:user_id/table_preferences List of table preferences for a user
GET /api/users/:user_id/table_preferences/:name Table preference details of a given table
POST /api/users/:user_id/table_preferences Creates a table preference for a given table
PUT /api/users/:user_id/table_preferences/:name Updates a table preference for a given table
DELETE /api/users/:user_id/table_preferences/:name Delete a table preference for a given table


Resource Description
GET /api/orchestration/:id/tasks List all tasks for a given orchestration event


Resource Description
GET /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/template_combinations List template combination
GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/template_combinations List template combination
POST /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/template_combinations Add a template combination
POST /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/template_combinations Add a template combination
GET /api/template_combinations/:id Show template combination
GET /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/template_combinations/:id Show template combination
GET /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/template_combinations/:id Show template combination
PUT /api/provisioning_templates/:provisioning_template_id/template_combinations/:id Update template combination
PUT /api/hostgroups/:hostgroup_id/template_combinations/:id Update template combination
DELETE /api/template_combinations/:id Delete a template combination


Resource Description
GET /api/templates/:template_id/template_inputs List template inputs
GET /api/templates/:template_id/template_inputs/:id Show template input details
POST /api/templates/:template_id/template_inputs Create a template input
DELETE /api/templates/:template_id/template_inputs/:id Delete a template input
PUT /api/templates/:template_id/template_inputs/:id Update a template input


Resource Description
GET /api/job_invocations/:job_invocation_id/template_invocations List template invocations belonging to job invocation


Resource Description
GET /api/template_kinds List all template kinds


Resource Description
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/upstream_subscriptions List available subscriptions from Red Hat Subscription Management
PUT /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/upstream_subscriptions Update the quantity of one or more subscriptions on an upstream allocation
DELETE /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/upstream_subscriptions Remove one or more subscriptions from an upstream manifest
POST /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/upstream_subscriptions Add subscriptions consumed by a manifest from Red Hat Subscription Management
GET /katello/api/organizations/:organization_id/upstream_subscriptions/ping Check if a connection can be made to Red Hat Subscription Management.


Resource Description
GET /api/usergroups List all user groups
GET /api/usergroups/:id Show a user group
POST /api/usergroups Create a user group
PUT /api/usergroups/:id Update a user group
DELETE /api/usergroups/:id Delete a user group


Resource Description
GET /api/users List all users
GET /api/auth_source_ldaps/:auth_source_ldap_id/users List all users for LDAP authentication source
GET /api/auth_source_externals/:auth_source_external_id/users List all users for external authentication source
GET /api/usergroups/:usergroup_id/users List all users for user group
GET /api/roles/:role_id/users List all users for role
GET /api/locations/:location_id/users List all users for location
GET /api/organizations/:organization_id/users List all users for organization
GET /api/users/:id Show a user
GET /api/current_user Show the currently logged-in user
POST /api/users Create a user
PUT /api/users/:id Update a user
DELETE /api/users/:id Delete a user
GET /api/users/extlogin Use to authenticate against external authentication source